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Using eduroam on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

1. Requirements

You have to accept the WiFi Conditions once to use the WiFi. WiFi Conditions:

2. Generating an EAP-PWD password

The following method is based on „EAP-PWD“. To use this method, please follow the steps to generate your password for EAP-PWD:

  • Use a web-browser to log in to with your TUC-User and the TUC-Password.
  • On the mainpage choose „Nutzer-Service“ then „WLAN“ and next „EAP-PWD“:

Startseite service.rz

  • Before generating a password, please secure that no other person is watching, because of the password being displayed unencrypted. To generate this EAP-PWD password please click on (neues) Passwort generieren.

  • The new EAP-PWD password will be displayed. To make it easier we recommend you to copy that password now. Important: If one of your devices, which uses this password, get lost, please generate a new EAP-PWD password to prevent misusage.

For the next steps please use the recently generated EAP-PWD-Password (not the TUC-Password).

The recently generated EAP-PWD-Passwort is not valid for any other service! For other services of the TU Clausthal use your general TUC-Password.

3. Configuration in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

  • Please click in Gnome-Panel on theNetwork-Icon.
  • Choose „eduroam“.

  • A dialog will open now.
  • Choose „eduroam“.
  • Now click on „Connect“.

  • A configuratipn-dialog will open now.
  • On authentication choose the method PWD.

  • Set „<TUC-User>“ as the username.
  • Set the EAP-PWD-Password as the password.
  • Now click on „Connect“.

  • The connection will be initiated .
  • If successfully, following windows will open:

netzwerk_und_internet/en_wi-fi_eduroam/using_eduroam_on_ubuntu.1690980603.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 14:50 02. August 2023 von Martin Diedrich

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